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Senin, 23 September 2013

What Is A Social Media Strategist?

I attend several Networking events and meetings IRL (in real life) and everyone always asks “What Is A Social Media Strategist?” or “OK so youTwitter and Facebook?” Along with other questions. I want to clarify exactly what I do, who I am and some of what you can expect from a Social Media Strategist.

So to answer the Twitter and Facebook question first, yes I Twitter, yes I Facebook BUT that is not all that I do. If this is all that was done then I suppose I would have to be called a Social Media Account Manager? Not sure exactly what it would be called, but no, that’s not me.

A Social Media Strategist, much like myself, is creative; we strategize new and UNIQUE ways to use the Social Web. We also understand that there is a real world. In my opinion, being a Social Media Strategist means that you understand the need to tie in other avenues of marketing to compliment the Social Media efforts.  Our job doesn’t end because we’ve stepped away from the computer. There are so many ways that the real world and the Internet connect and can meet in the middle and Social Media Strategists understand this and incorporate it into campaigns for their clients as well as self.

Social Media Strategists research. We read, watch, listen, review and ultimately learn all of the time. Our downtime is learning about the newest Facebook feature, checking out beta invites for new platforms and or watching videos on new apps to compliment other existing platforms.

Social Media Strategists understand that that SEM (adwords/ PPC), when done correctly can compliment and enhance the efforts of a Social Media Strategy.

Social Media Strategists did not just join Twitter yesterday, they did not just embrace the technology of Facebook in the past month. These people have been a part of these communities for years. They have built a community for themselves and they invite and welcome you in with open arms trying to help anyone they can.

Social Media Strategists are indeed SOCIAL Online. We do not auto feed all of our posts, we do not auto follow back, we do not blast advertisements on our Social Sites and most of all everyone we connect with knows that we love what we do.

Social Media Strategists are NOT Experts! You can’t be an expert in something that is forever changing.

Social Media Strategists can’t promise ANYTHING Online. It’s all about being committed to the campaign and executing it in the best way you can. If something doesn’t work we do not get upset, we are already moving onto the next idea.

Social Media Strategists understand that not every client requires the same strategy. You cannot create a cookie cutter campaign to use for every client.

Social Media Strategists understand traditional marketing. We know that although the Internet is very powerful, you still need to do traditional marketing (in a creative way of course).

Social Media Strategists are positive Online. They respect their own Social Sites just as they will respect yours.

Social Media Strategists are some of the first people to beta test new social sites. They voice their opinions in Tweets and blog reviews, comment often and love being among the first to embrace something new.

Social Media Strategists love to share information that they find valuable.

Social Media Strategists have profiles on other platforms and not just Facebook and Twitter. They use these other platforms as well.

Social Media Strategists do not focus on the numbers. We know that it is about the quality of the following rather than the quantity
Social Media Strategists always have the best interest of their clients in mind.

Social Media Strategists are able to work side by side with webmasters to provide the best Online experience for clients.

Social Media Strategists are real! We really do exist and we really do work.

There are so many other things that a Social Media Strategist is, but I think you all get the picture now.
If you are considering consulting a Social Media Strategist I would like to suggest that you do the following:
  • Google their name. Find out where they are Online, as well as how they use their social sites. How are they branding their own business Online? Take notes and research this as you want someone that can be the Online voice for your company in a positive way. If their social sites seem abandoned or automatically updated with no social aspects, you can expect yours to be that way as well.
  • Ask a lot of questions about services they offer. If you sense passion in their voice or in their email then you know that this isn’t just a way to make a quick buck for them. They really do love what they do.
  • Do they have testimonials from trusted sources? I would check their LinkedIn account for that. Oh that reminds me, do they have a LinkedIn?
I hope this clears up some confusion as to what a Social Media Strategist is and what it is that we do.
It is never easy, but always fun!

Selasa, 17 September 2013

Windows Phone Keren Yang Gak Nguras Kantong

Smartfren Windows Phone 8 merupakan platform Mobile terbaru dari Microsoft bekerjasama dengan operator selular Smartfren. Smartfren Windows Phone 8 bukan sekedar OS smartphone untuk menjalankan aplikasi mobile. Lebih dari itu, fungsi Windows Phone 8 diharapkan dapat menggantikan fungsi komputer desktop sementara. Serta menjalankan fungsi yang tidak dapat dijalankan oleh komputer desktop yakni telepon.

Dengan kinerja 1.2 GHz dual core prosesor Qualcomm dan RAM 512MB cukup mantap untuk menangani fitur-fitur yang disediakan Smartfren Windows phone 8. Apalagi media penyimpanan internal cukup besar dengan 4GB ditambah memori eksternal 32GB sudah sangat besar untuk menyimpan file, foto dan video.

Dengan interface metro UI yang elegan dan menarik, sangat berbeda dari smartphone yang lain. Layar termasuk cukup tajam dengan IPS LCD kapasitif touchscreen 4-inch cukup lega dengan resolusi 800×480 pixels dan nyaman ketika dipegang.

Bagi anda yang punya anak dibawah umur, Smartfren Windows Phone juga menyediakan Kids Corner, ini merupakan menu yang tidak dimiliki oleh smartphone lain, karena dapat merangkum aplikasi khusus anak-anak, berikut foto-foto, tanpa membuat Anda sebagai orang tua khawatir si anak dapat masuk ke akses dokumen penting. Kemudian ada People hub, yang menghubungkan Anda dengan teman, keluarga, dan kolega di jejaring sosial favorit, atau bisa juga via email dan SMS, semuanya dalam satu aplikasi yang terintegrasi.

Smarftren Windows Phone 8 memang banyak mengundang decak kagum dengan kemampuan koneksi CDMA2000-1X EVDO Rev B. Jadi kita bisa mengakses situs situs seperti Trenologi dengan kecepatan maksimal. DI Trenologi ada banyak berita informasi seputar gadget dan internet terbaru. Trenologi juga merupakan situs gadget & teknologi terlengkap di Indonesia, sehingga Trenologi saat ini menjadi rujukan pecinta gadget tanah air.

Jadi kapan lagi kalau mau punya smartphone keren didukung dengan kecepatan operator anti lelet dan dengan harga yang terjangkau. Buruan beli…